Coffee and Cafes

Places where the past drips, steeps, and simmers.


Panama Hotel Tea and Coffee

Panama Hotel Tea and Coffee, Seattle

Panama Hotel Tea and Coffee, Seattle

Panama Hotel
605 ½ S. Main Street, Seattle

I often wish for a worm hole between my house and the Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee House in Seattle’s International District. It’s pretty much the perfect third place: well-lit, calm, music played low enough not to be distracting. Tables are scattered throughout the two-story space. This means there are plenty of cozy corners that feel perfect for visiting or for working on something.


Boulevard Grocery/Seven Market & Cafe


Seven Market & Café, 2007 Ravenna Boulevard, Seattle

The past is present in Seven Market and Café primarily in three ways: the gorgeous hulking vintage glass-front refrigerator, now filled with artisianal soda pop; the simple building’s cozy physical presence nestled on the gentle slope of Ravenna Boulevard near Ravenna Park; and its century-plus function as a neighborhood grocery. This place feels simultaneously hip and old-school, and the large bank of windows facing the street lets in natural light.
