Available Presentations

As of March 2022, I am no longer scheduling presentations.

The following presentations are no longer available:

Via Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau: The Truth and I: Reading Betty MacDonald in the Age of Memoir Although she wrote autobiographically, Betty’s relationship with truth was slippery. During a 1951 libel suit, Betty testified that she’d made up nearly all of The Egg and I — questionable testimony that worked in her favor. Betty’s readers seemed not to mind this discrepancy, but why? “The Truth and I: Reading Betty MacDonald in the Age of Memoir” ponders how Betty’s kind of nonfiction relates to the popular genre of memoir today. What, then and now, does “truth” in memoir mean? (One hour illustrated lecture with extensive audience interaction)

Looking For Betty MacDonald: Celebrating Betty’s Life And Work (One hour illustrated lecture)

Betty MacDonald’s The Egg and I: From The Chicken To The Silver Screen (One hour illustrated lecture)

Baby Incubators In Seattle: From Sideshow to NICU (One hour illustrated lecture)   Baby incubators have long been essential to neonatal intensive care units, a lifesaving technology that has enabled increasingly premature infants a chance of survival.  In its earliest decades, however, the baby incubator was a fixture of sideshows and carnival midways, not hospitals.  Join historian Paula Becker and neonatal intensive care nurse Amy Caldwell in exploring the early history of baby incubators in Seattle — from their first appearance in a downtown amusement center in 1906, to the Baby Electrobator display at West Seattle’s Luna Park, to the wildly successful Baby Incubator Exhibit at the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, to present day neonatal intensive care units.

The following presentations are no longer available:

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: Washington’s First World’s Fair

The Future Remembered: The 1962 Seattle World’s Fair And Its Legacy


