A Little Book of Self-Care for Those Who Grieve

Weep. Scream. Hate. Disbelieve. Go numb.


This beautiful book offers a gentle guide for surviving the early days of grief. In simple, easy-to-absorb text and soothing illustrations, readers will begin to find a path. Those grieving a sudden death or loss after a long illness, someone hard to love or impossible to live without, will see their grief reflected in these pages.

When author Paula Becker’s son was killed in 2017, she reached for grief books to help her navigate the enormous grief engulfing her. Most grief books are long, often too overwhelming for the shattered attention span that is a hallmark of fresh loss. With A Little Book of Self-Care for Those Who Grieve, Paula Becker offers grievers a quiet touchstone of care and advice that can be returned to again and again. ORDER NOW